Learn multilevel models workshop

Estimating a Bayes factor using bridge sampling

multilevel models
Bayes factor

A general method for estimating Bayes factors

Model comparison

multilevel models
R squared

Using loo (approximate leave-one-out-cross-validation) and Bayesian R squared

Estimating a Bayes factor using the Savage-Dickey density ratio

multilevel models
Bayes factor

For a simple mean comparison

Multilevel formula syntax

multilevel models

Extended multilevel formula syntax and types of clusters

Multilevel models

multilevel models

Parameter estimation in clustered data

An Introduction to brms

data analysis

Using `brms` for parameter estimation: A walkthrough

A Principled Bayesian Workflow

data analysis

Steps in Bayesian Data Analysis

Zoom links

Course dates and Zoom links.

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Learn multilevel models workshop


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